Thursday, February 1, 2007

Fanning the flames

I said this once and I'm gonna say it again:

If Monday's game against UT is the first game you're attending, then you don't deserve to go. There are undoubtedly Aggies out there who have been screwed over by this lottery thing. There are now undoubtedly Aggies with a ticket who shouldn't be allowed in the building.

For you fair-weather fans: Our new-and-improved basketball program is in its infancy, and it needs support. Stop pretending that your presence at only one game equals fandom. It does not. Billy G. wants people at every game. Where have you been?

For those of you whining about student seating — Face it. Our basketball spirit isn't even close to Duke's, or Kansas's, or Kentucky's. You don't get more seating until we fill up non-conference games. Why would the athletics guys spend craploads of money on a program that the students have shown only lukewarm enthusiasm for thus far?

For those of you who have attended all (or most) of the games this season: I salute you. If you didn't get a ticket, then I'm pissed off for you.

Any fair ticket-pulling plan that wants to draw more people to non-conference games has to involve rewarding those who have attended all (or most) of the games. I don't care if you have a legitimate excuse for missing them, those who made the commitment to every event still deserve precedence over you.

And the fact that this is not the current system is the only thing I fault the athletics department for.

Was the UT ticket pull screwed up? Yeah, but athletic programs and procedures don't change overnight. None of you could probably have done any better, so grow up and recognize the growing pains. Be thankful that we have this problem, 'cause I bet 98 percent of you didn't give a damn about Aggie basketball two years ago.

So there was a communication breakdown. It happens, especially when you have several thousand people all jostling for the same thing while hearing conflicting messages about what is going on. From the mail calls I got, you'd think everyone from George Bush to communist martians were responsible for the fiasco. I've even heard people blame The Battalion for releasing the ticket-pulling information to the public. Good Lord people, are you not happy without blaming someone?

Maybe we can get an excessive whining clause added to the Aggie Code.


Riverphoe80 said...

Is this journalism? Or provocated sensationalism obviously aimed at making people come to/care about this lame-ass blog? (The latter.) Try toning down the sophomoric patronization. We aren’t lemmings, or children who will follow every bread crumb dropped in front of us. Thanks again, Battalion.

Unknown said...

I hate to say this, but the students at Kansas have fewer student seats than we do. They've all been taken by alumni and season ticket holders, so lets hope that we never turn out to become like that.

The Opinion Staff said...

This blog is neither journalism or sensationalism. It's exactly what I said it would be: "An Aggie take on current issues."

The ticket-pull is a current issue, and this is my take on it.

It was apparently enough to bring you here, and thus I consider it mission accomplished.

KingOreO said...

Riverphoe80, the idea that you created an account on a deserted blogging site to leave one message at midnight towards a college newspaper requires a sense of hopelessness and suspension of disbelief I can’t manage, and I once saw a film about ragtag oil drillers landing the space shuttle on an asteroid. Then again, there’s also a Riverphoe80 registered on wikipedia, and while I can’t imagine 79 other people with equally lame ideas such as your's, could you just be an angry nerd who needs attention? I’ll give you a hint. (The latter.)

Chris said...


that is all.

Anna Cherry said...

It is sad that it took the ticket pulling to open the eyes of the students on campus. If you look around the aggie honor code is missing a few words. Sure an aggie is not suppose to lie, cheat or steal, but HELLO what about respect for others and the University. Cutting in line, pushing and shoving is only a peak at an aggie student. What about the trash that every student leaves behind in class making us aggies’ look like we have class in a pig pen. I saw one student attempt to throw a piece of trash away and missed. They did not care to pick it up and try again. At the commons food court one student dropped there lunch and never came back to pick it up. They just left it there to soaked into the carpet. I know not EVERY student is like this, however, why do we tolerate those who disrespect the university. Respect should be a key ingredient to the aggie honor code.
Anna Cherry
Class of 2009

Anonymous said...

I think that some of you are expending far too much emotion on a ticket pull. We all love our Ags, and ticket or not, I'm just going to get with some friends and enjoy a fightin' Texas Aggie basketball game against our rival. What could be more fun? I would submit that this article was written about 5 minutes after an argument or leaving the failed pull. It sure expresses a lot of anger towards people you don't even know. There are some people who have never been to a game but want to go to this one. So what? It's sports. It's about school spirit, not consistency in driving to an arena. No one is entitled to anything. Some of us can't afford the extra money for an all sports pass either. Just because we cheer from a crowded living room gathered around a 36' screen and a bowl of nachos, doesn't mean much of anything, about anything, except that we love basketball as much as those who are present at the games. Cheers.