Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mardi Gras

The 20th is Mardi Gras.

Forget the tests. Forget the homework. Forget your professors.

The 20th is Mardi Gras.

If you plan on going crazy this year, try to do it in New Orleans. They've got their PR guys going full force on trying to bring some life and cash to the city. It's been a year and a half since Louisiana got rocked by Katrina, and since some of you are going to get wasted anyway, you might as well help out our neighbors to the east and party there.

Katrina costs the nation $84 billion. Put some of your alcohol money back into the system. Paint New Orleans red.

Try to get back safe, too.


Anonymous said...

This is brilliant! First rate! This totally makes up for the utter shit that has become the Opinion page! How did you develop such eloquent, RELEVANT, and well-thought out opinions? I hope you get amnesia and forget how to get to The Batt offices so someone else can take over.
-Blake Stevens '08

The Opinion Staff said...

Come on guys, bring on the hate.

If you can't get excited about Mardi Gras, then you probably don't like sunshine or puppies either.